Thursday, January 13, 2011

Another bathroom conversation

Pee Pee comes out of my penis.
Poop comes out of my bottom.
Sometimes Pee comes out of my bottom too.
Why do I have to hold my penis down?
So the Pee goes in the potty, instead of on the floor

Why do I have a penis?
This begins the part where I simply nod or shrug and try not to laugh as this lil one figures out anatomy...
I have a penis cause I'm a boy
Does so and so have a penis? (begins naming all the other boys in the classroom, one by one)

Do you have a penis?
Nope, I'm a girl like your mommy (hoping to remind him of whatever phrase his parents have used to describe anatomical differences)
She has a Ba Gina!
more nodding and shrugging and attempting to not smile
You have a Ba Gina!
Does so and so have a Ba Gina!?! (begins naming girls in class)
I have a penis!

This chanting continues for several minutes then suddenly ends with...
Why are you laughing?

I lost my battle to conceal my smile.

1 comment:

  1. Please, please, please continue to write posts like this!
