Saturday, January 30, 2010

Why I have work clothes

Remember when we were little and there was a well defined distinction in clothing. Play clothes and school clothes. School clothes were reserved for church, school and other public outings. Play clothes were freedom. I didn't have to worry about what I was doing, what got on the clothes or how many new holes I ripped in the knees. These were MY clothes and I did with them as I pleased.

Well, now that I'm a grownup I have work clothes and play clothes. But now its the play clothes that are nice, clean and hole free. My work clothes on the other hand, please don't look too closely.

Just yesterday...

Lunch was pizza, bananas and salad- at least it wasn't spaghetti day. My left elbow and forearm were covered in many small pizza sauce colored handprints and ooey gooey banana fingerprints. The only reason I wasn't also decorated in ranch dressing? I only let him have 2 scoops. Seriously I'm a ranch dressing lover too, but you can't just live on dressing alone.

One particularly gruesome aspect of toddlerhood is a fondness for eating boogers. I don't dwell on this too much b/c i have bigger fish to fry: Do NOT put your teeth on your friends shoulder. Do NOT push your friend down when you want to say hi. Do NOT pull up your underwear after having a BM on the potty until AFTER you wipe. Goodness gracious, a lil boogers aren't gonna hurt anyone.

Until they ended up on my shoulder. Upon realizing this, I said in all seriousness. I do NOT want YOUR booger on MY arm. The child couldn't believe I was turning down her gift. Big crocodile tears (the kind woman produce when they are trying to get their way) come pouring down her face. I soften my expression. I'm sorry, but I don't want that on my arm. You can put your booger on your arm, but not mine. Yes, this child is not yet 3 and has already mastered an essential of womanhood. Producing tears on command.

We've been exploring a pretty cool art project lately. Regular old washable tempera paint, mixed with salt. Produces beautiful, vibrant colors. Also splatters easily. Said splattering occurred when a lil one wanted to see what happened when he turned the paint tray upside down and shook it over his paper. Splatters on the table, splatters on the child (who naturally refused to wear a paint smock) and splatters on my boots. My new favorite boots which I have been loving so so so much. My new favorite boots which should probably be relegated to play clothes instead of work clothes. But I love them too much to not see them 5 days a week.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

the Many Different Hats

Just yesterday...

I was a bathroom traffic regulation specialist. 5 out of 12 children have graduated from diapers (wahoo!) so what's that look like. 5 out of 12 children have to use the potty in the 15 minute transition from lunch to nap. And their new favorite thing? "I have to poop!" and they're all lil girls. I have never known lil girls to be so fascinated with BM. They want to see each others, they all gather around the potty to wave it bye-bye as it flushes. But seriously, we've got 5 girls who all need to go potty. That means I give you a few minutes, if its not flowin, you can try again later.

I was a personal body guard. Yes a full moon is on Friday. Apparantly my lil kiddos are celebrating in full force. No it's not funny to hit your friend with a toy. or wrestle them to the ground. or climb them like a ladder to reach something high. or throw clay at them.

I was a probation officer. Following the actions of above. Many conversations went like this- do you feel like you're ready to be safe with your friend? Let's try again.

I was a ninja. I would like to meet the person who decided which sink to install in my classroom. You really thought a movable faucet would be a great idea in toddler room. Really. Really? You never considered the possibility that toddlers are inquisitive. You never considered the possibility that said toddler might move the faucet (that you chose) so that it no longer is over the sink. Rather, it is now over the counter (or ground, or a friend) and turn on the water. Just to see what will happen. I shake my first at you. My ninja skills and quick reaction time left a mess that was cleaned up by one old beach towel instead of 3. Yes I consider that a victory.

I was a performing artist. Sitting in my box Loving this book right now. I get to act like a grumpy lion, an old elephant, a muddy hippo and a pesky lil flee. Said performing artist charmed the hearts of toddlers all across the land (or at least in the classroom) AND kept them in one corner, occupied for the 20 min it took to clean up from snack. Crumbly biscuits and jelly combine to form a truly nasty sticky paste. Again, who chose this?

I was a security operative. No, you may not knock his tower down. Let's build one just for you that you CAN knock down. This one right here, this is yours. No, not that one, this one. The one right in front of you. This one!

And even on the crappiest of days (see 2 rebellious nappers and 3 who didn't sleep more than 1 hour) the big hugs I get at the end all make up for it. And comments like...oh I should bring you some maker's mark tomorrow. Yes, yes you should.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Conversations overheard

Sally: "I have boobies!"
Abby: "You have boobies? I have boobies."
Sally: "Boobies are private."
Abby: to the teacher "Are boobies private?"
Teacher: "Yep, boobies are private"

thankfully that was the end of the conversation. much better then, "Why do boys have peanuts?"

While wearing super awesome homemade cape costumes..."I'm a super helper!" from a child who refused, refused, refused to help put the toys away during clean up time

Also overheard while running in awesome capes "I'm a superbat!" (clearly better than batman) "I'm superhero!" (although it took several moments to decifer this. Sounded much more like I'm superhobo!)

Thank you awesome kitchen chef for cooking our lunches everyday. And for gathering our snacks. And for cleaning our dirty cups, bowls and toys that we try to eat. But really? Beans and Weenies????

5 pottytrained children. This has to be a record, that's almost half the class! Unfortunately only one potty. Spent most of the afternoon wiping poopy bottoms. Convincing child on the potty to poop faster. Convincing child waiting for the pooty to just hold it in a lil bit longer.

Friday, January 1, 2010


Now that the crazy busy rush of the holidays are over I feel like I can finally breathe (and count my gift card stash!) The gift card is the traditional teacher gift and I love it. Last year I hauled in over $100 in target cards. And boy did that check out lady hate me when I used 7 different cards to pay for my purchase. This year, the cards are more spread out- some target, some starbucks, some barnes and nobles.

I think I'm most excited about the B&N. You see I have a secret love relationship with B&N. It goes way back. In high school (although we didn't have a B&N) much time was spent grabbing coffee and browsing the latest selection of books. Somehow this tradition continued on with my friends even when we moved away. A phone call- I'm headed to B&N! Several followup texts- check out this book in the new arrivals! mmmm my mocha is amazing! theres a weird guy in the medieval arts section! A "shared" B&N experience from different time zones.

In Cali something happens with sunset. You see, it happens really really early (or so it feels) and once the sun goes down, heading to the beach is not the same (except for night beaching of course) As the sun went down, we grew hopelessly bored so we would trek to the local B&N. We tried learning foreign languages (not me really) tried to achieve New age enlightenment and enjoyed the variety of people watching that any place in Cali brings out.

My relationship with B&N solidified the years I only worked 4 days a week. (Well I did work a weekend day, so in fact it was 5 days) Every Monday I had off. While some Mondays I spent hours on end in my pjs, some Mondays I spent hours on end at B&N. I didn't have much extra cash then (not that I do now in my lucrative position as an educator) so I would traipse to B&N, buy a nice hot mug of coffee, find the book I left off with last week and cozy up in the overstuffed chairs. I had come to discover which B&Ns had the coziest chairs. Not the one at Easton. Here I devoured the latest Nicholas Sparks book, traveled around Ireland with a fridge, and dreamt of adventures to come.

B&N reminds me of my youth, my lazy days with no responsibility. How can I reclaim this? Well tomorrow I will be spending hours on end at the local B&N, we'll see what I figure out.