Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A storm is coming!

Were in the midst of our 3rd day of "severe weather" is coming.

Thanks weatherman, but wind/sprinkling rain does not really equal severe weather. Sure the clouds look menacing, but I'll still bundle up the kiddos and head outside. Whereas severe weather finds me hunkered down in the basement.

We've been leaving the classroom door open in the afternoon. Loving the fresh breeze and watching the weather.

Some of the kiddos noticed the wind and began chanting
A storm is coming, a storm is coming
I love storms! but only at school (guess who plays up their parents at home?)
I love thunder! When is it going to be loud?

Apparently they don't remember that severe weather often leads to us sitting (with no toys/books/puzzles) in the basement hallway. Maybe instead they are remembering this

Being a teacher of toddler I'm not kidding myself. They are most likely simply caught up in their friends excitement. They most likely have no idea that they are cheering for the thunder to start. Had it started (like the weatherman said) I'm sure it would have been quickly followed by loud wailing from my toddler room. But for now, we'll pretend to be brave

Monday, April 25, 2011

Goodbye Weekend...

Goodbye last minute visits with friends:
and uber yummy cheese and wine
Goodbye crafty errands:
4 shops in 3 hours, favorite purchase? 1 lb of glitter!!!
Goodbye afternoon naps listening to rain outside the window:
and the utter confusion when the alarm goes off
Goodbye holidays services and baptisms:
3 hours of some point they lose their impact
Goodbye late night runs for frosties:
cause after a 3 hr service, we deserve it!
Goodbye lazy mornings
and making up for it with late night laundering
Goodbye family holiday dinner:
some made us laugh, some made us want to scream,
and as always the kiddos stole the show

Hello Beautiful Week!
Looking forward to: only 4 days with kiddos, a day of "professional development", starting to use the lb of glitter! and the first trip to the farmers market (okay thats on the weekend, but I can't wait!)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We're 3 weeks in

Well it looks like this tornado season is kicking off swimmingly. After last fall's adventures of huddling in the basement hallway with 12 toddlers, I get slightly anxious when tornado weather is coming. My ears are tuned into the silence, just waiting to hear those god damn sirens.

Those sirens that mean stop whatever your doing, convince the kiddos to stop whatever they are doing. Walk do not run down the long hallway to the basement. Where toddlers must be entertained with whatever I can find in my pockets. Hair barrettes on a good day, lint on a not so good day.

Well last night the sirens went off. Thank God is was 2:30 am not 2:30 pm. Thank God!

Instead of waking up 12 toddlers and convincing them to follow me down the hall, I only had to wake up 1 Jesse. Although a bit like my toddlers...

He grumbled as I woke him up.
He stumbled down the hallway and stairs, collapsing into a heap on the floor.
He wrapped the blanket around forming his own little cocoon in the cold dark basement.
He questioned my sanity asking Why? and did not like my response of "Cause we have too"

Thank God it was 2:30 am.

Although for the record, Franklin County...can we work on this tornado siren thingy. I don't mind them when there is an actual threat. But when the storm passes and then the sirens start I begin to believe its a bit of malarkey. I'm all for safety. But I'm not all for this hiding out in a basement thing unless i really really have to.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Goodbye Weekend...

Inspired by Your Best Beautiful

Goodbye waking up to houseguests on the couch:
sure sign of a fun night before
Goodbye dreaming of July gardens:
the sprouts seem so little compared to their summer glory
Goodbye last years harvest:
the last of the green tomatoes making salsa verde
Goodbye glass jars:
and countless rearranges to find a place for the empties
Goodbye live music and people watching:
and attempts at sly picture taking, always elicit a friends advice before
walking out the door
Goodbye first serious ride of the season:
really wishing I didn't live UPhill from the bike path
Goodbye late afternoon naps:
waking up to eat dinner then back to bed
Goodbye starting a new project:
and googling tutorials to decipher the pattern
Goodbye dreams:
random, vivid, curious subconscious

Hello Beautiful Week...
Looking forward to a return to normal programming following the week o' uber fun, helping a friend invent the wheel, girly conversations (and consultation) working on the new project

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I've been thinking round and round about a project. I want to knit a sweater. A perfect sweater to stow in my classroom to pull out during nap times and late evenings when it gets just a bit chilly. I think I found it

I am lusting after this sweater

Now I just need to figure out how to read a pattern...

Monday, April 11, 2011

Goodbye Weekend

Inspired by Your Best Beautiful

Goodbye Weekend...

Goodbye Birthday Celebrations: Singing (at the top of our lungs), Counting (sparkly dressed pregnant ladies) and Shooting (jello shots yum yum)
Goodbye fights with the sewing machine: why won't the tension just work!!!
Goodbye Backyard BBQs: catching up with old friends and more jello shots
Goodbye late night text messaging: thankful I wasn't the one sleeping in the tent
Goodbye new restaurant adventures: this one surprised us all
Goodbye morning coffee on the patio: love me some sunshine
Goodbye working in the garden: I love some dirt under my nails
Goodbye evening conversations around the grill: to escape the hot hot house
Goodbye fresh breezes through open windows: in effort to cool off said house

Hello Beautiful Week...
Looking forward to costume parades, art shows, live music with friends, wearing jammies to work and perhaps some more conversations around the grill

Friday, April 1, 2011

this weekend

I am...

destressing from a crazy horrible no good week at work.
Working with the grandma sub is fine for a day or 2, but 4 out of 5 days? not so good. Yes it is a fun challenge to see just how much one can do teaching solo. But it makes my back hurt alot. It makes my head hurt too and my feet and my lungs from all the deep breaths I take in order to get through a day

getting my garden ready for spring.
4 bags of dirt that need spreading about.
3 different seedlings that look ready for some actual outside sunshine. one 1 of which I actually remember what it is. Hoping to have some snap peas soon!

celebrating 4 years!
Can't believe we've been together that long, although sometimes it feels like we've been together forever. Excited to think back and remember how we got here. Excited to go out on the town and enjoy our city. Excited to think next year we'll be somewhere very warm. Excited to start planning for Hawaii!!!