Friday, December 31, 2010

from one of my kiddos

Dear Santa,

I don't want much. I don't even need toys. All I want (if you think I'm a good girl) is for you to promise me I will always have teachers as wonderful as Carri (and co teachers)

I want teachers like them with patience and smiles and that treat me with respect. I can't believe how much they taught me!

And I'm so happy they gave me structure and cared for me when my daddy was sick.

This year, please bring them everything on their wish list...maybe that will make their jobs just a little bit easier

Luckily I didn't read this card in front of the children. Cause it made me cry. A lot.

When I stop and think about how far this family (and others) have changed in a year it amazes me. Children grow so fast and quick that a year is a lifetime to them. Their lives completely change in a year. The work I do as a teacher is huge. It can leave a lasting impact on these families. The small stuff we do each day can make a difference forever.

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