Coming out of anesthesia is no bueno
Even if one hasn't eaten in 17 hours, his body will still find something to projectile vomit
Adding percocet makes the vomit chunky
Offering up a plate of cafeteria steak and gravy for dinner should come with a warning label
Perhaps If you haven't eaten real food in a while, don't start with this
His nurse just smiled and said Go Ahead, it's fine to eat!
really? really???
I kinda laughed when he called her a moment later to wash out the bucket
I love nurses and we had some great, kind, smiling nurses while we were there (for almost 24 hours!) This nurse was not my favorite. Her attitude, Oh we always start patients on real food as soon as possible. Well if that's what you always do then I guess you can predict what will come next
The next 18 hours was a steady rotation of crackers, jello, chicken broth and more crackers. With lots of washing out the bucket in between.
What finally got rid of the bucket washing?
not the anti nausea meds
The statement: you have to stay here until you can control your pain with pills
not the IV drip that gives you happy juice
Mind over Matter is a powerful thing