Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Being friends is hard work

There are a group of girls in my classroom all born within a few weeks of each other. These 4 girls LOVE LOVE LOVE each other and yet HATE HATE HATE each other. Several times throughout the day.

My fellow toddler teachers joke that once children achieve certain milestones, we kick em out of the classroom. (not actually) But certain behaviors: resisting nap time, intentionally not telling us the whole truth, the use of 'potty language!' are clear indicators that they are ready for a new challenge. And that we are ready to have them not corrupt new youngsters who haven't yet learned the joys of yelling POOPEY! at lunch.

One such indicator has been occurring lately in the classroom. "You can't come to my party. You aren't my friend anymore. You are so mean!" Sure signs they need to be shipped up to the preschool rooms. Luckily we don't have to deal with these situations often. Unfortunately I am not well practiced at handling these moments. Unlike pushing, biting, tantrumning, toileting etc. I'm excellent at handling those. But when I have 2 hysterically children crying and screaming at each other about whether or not they are friends, a lot harder to handle.

Susy: "You are mean. You are not my friend."
Sandy: "No I not! You are mean!"
Susy: "She said I was mean! I don't want to be her friend"
Sandy: "She said mean mean mean!"
Susy: "She's mean! She doesn't want to be my friend"

and the wailing continued for what felt like forEVER. Anyone see the irony in this argument. 2 girls, desperately wanting to be friends. Both yelling at each other. Both distraught because their friend yelled at them.

Lesson of the week: If you don't want your friend to yell at you, you can't yell at them.

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