Well, now that I'm a grownup I have work clothes and play clothes. But now its the play clothes that are nice, clean and hole free. My work clothes on the other hand, please don't look too closely.
Just yesterday...
Lunch was pizza, bananas and salad- at least it wasn't spaghetti day. My left elbow and forearm were covered in many small pizza sauce colored handprints and ooey gooey banana fingerprints. The only reason I wasn't also decorated in ranch dressing? I only let him have 2 scoops. Seriously I'm a ranch dressing lover too, but you can't just live on dressing alone.
One particularly gruesome aspect of toddlerhood is a fondness for eating boogers. I don't dwell on this too much b/c i have bigger fish to fry: Do NOT put your teeth on your friends shoulder. Do NOT push your friend down when you want to say hi. Do NOT pull up your underwear after having a BM on the potty until AFTER you wipe. Goodness gracious, a lil boogers aren't gonna hurt anyone.
Until they ended up on my shoulder. Upon realizing this, I said in all seriousness. I do NOT want YOUR booger on MY arm. The child couldn't believe I was turning down her gift. Big crocodile tears (the kind woman produce when they are trying to get their way) come pouring down her face. I soften my expression. I'm sorry, but I don't want that on my arm. You can put your booger on your arm, but not mine. Yes, this child is not yet 3 and has already mastered an essential of womanhood. Producing tears on command.
We've been exploring a pretty cool art project lately. Regular old washable tempera paint, mixed with salt. Produces beautiful, vibrant colors. Also splatters easily. Said splattering occurred when a lil one wanted to see what happened when he turned the paint tray upside down and shook it over his paper. Splatters on the table, splatters on the child (who naturally refused to wear a paint smock) and splatters on my boots. My new favorite boots which I have been loving so so so much. My new favorite boots which should probably be relegated to play clothes instead of work clothes. But I love them too much to not see them 5 days a week.