Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Enjoying some calm before the storm

You know what the storm is, the upcoming holiday season. Oy. Every time I think about it, I just think Oy. I'm not even ready to go there yet. Seriously, who decided to schedule 2 different opportunities for Forced Family Fun within 5 weeks. Oh, plus we're Jewish, so throw in a 3rd required family get together. And someone decided to graduate in December instead of May like normal people, so we have the opportunity for Four Forced Family Fun get togethers in 5 weeks. Who came up with this idea.

At least my job this time around is a lot less Holiday inducing stressful. The kiddos are actually pretty fun around the Holidays. That and the fact that many take some time off, which allows for more quality fun time with the kiddos that stick around instead of quality intervention/peace maker practicing time.

Toddler moments of the Week:

a) after Halloween sales=super fun dressup costumes= a little one "flying" around the room chanting "I'm Super Bat!" Yes, I imagine this will be the stare of the newest comic book soon.

b) Utter meltdown as Dad was trying to leave with his Little One. What I could decipher through the hysterical crying "My note. My note! My note is in Sally's cubby!!!!!" I get up to investigate and sure enough. The note he painstakingly wrote with a grown up pencil is in Sally's cubby. I pull it out, hand it to him and remind him. Next time why don't you put your note in YOUR cubby, then you won't have to be so sad.

2 minutes later on the way to the door, he tosses the note in the trashcan. 10 sec later more hysterical crying. "My note. My note! My note is in the trashcan!" Well duh. If you need your note, don't put it in the trashcan. Seriously. I called out "Good luck!" as the Dad finally got him out the door. Seriously.

back to holidays...

My kickoff to the holiday season is this weekend and I'm super stoked. It's our annual Holiday Card Making event. Supposed to be last weekend but due to some fevers (and everyone's panic about the swine flu) it was delayed a week. This time it happens to fall on the day after an out of town wedding that I'll be gracing with my presence :)

An out of town wedding in some small town that was so small we had to get a hotel reservation like 6 months ago. An out of town wedding scheduled to start at 1:30. An out of town wedding in which the groom promises to be finished in time to catch the big game at 3. An out of town wedding in which there is an open bar. An open bar with top shelf alcohol. An out of town wedding where I will have to be up and outta there at 9am the next day after fully enjoying the top shelf alcohol to head back to Columbus.

Its gonna be me, a giant bottle of water and a giant cup of coffee making the long drive back. But I wouldn't miss it for a thing. Cause not only is this card making event the kickoff to the Holidays (and the fun part) Not only is it a time surrounded by some of my favorite people as we all pretend to be Martha Stewart for a few house. But this is the same card making event that I was at 3 years ago when I met Jesse. Well met his mama, and then 6 months later met Jesse. And for that reason alone, it is my favorite event of the Holidays.

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