In the last 12 days my life has been quite the adventure. At school we are in the midst of getting 5 new toddlers. One every Monday for a month. Whew. The last newbie starts this Monday and while it all is going well. Its still quite the production to get a new friend settled into our routines.
Yesterday, was quite the afternoon. At 4:25 I thought "we are never going to make it outside" 10 minutes later we finally headed out the door. Yay, we can run and shout and be ruckusey outside. 10 minutes after that? the sprinkles started. No fear, we're tough, sprinkles can't get us! 5 minutes after that? the downpour. I quickly maneuvered under the climber to stay dry. The children? laughing and running and dancing in the rain. It was warm outside, so the rain felt great. At this point I decided. Screw trying to keep them dry. We'll wait for it to let up and go
inside and change. Who cares if they all come home in different clothes, at least they're dry!
Due to some earlier puddle adventures, some of our friends ran out of dry clothes. Never fear! Koala Clothes are here! We have a stash of extras. Antonio was given the choice- dark blue jeans or fushia stretch pants. His outfit ended up being- Brown monkey shirt, fushia stretch pants and brown hiking boots. All courtesy of the Koalas. Oh and the outfit topper? While putting on some socks, we found a hair barrette. Of course he insisted on wearing this too. So Brown monkey shirt, fuschia stretch pants, brown hiking boots and blue sparkly hair barrette. Luckily his dad laughed.
The trip out west was fabulous, just slightly exhausting. Solidified my ideas, that I really am an out west kinda girl. I love a desert atmosphere especially the high desert, which cuts down on the plus 100* days. As we were driving to the mountains Jesse stated- isn't it beautiful, we should move here! My response: ok, lets do it! Don't tempt me and my wanderlusty feet! Although, it is true that if we moved to Colorado (or anywhere near there) I would never see him. In the winter he will ski constantly, in the summer- mountain biking off the same mountain that he skiied on. Therefore, I'll be able to spend time with him during the rainy spring, which in the desert I'm guessing isn't long.
Favorite pix from the trip:
We hiked 2 miles up and back down alongside this waterfall. 2 miles is much better than the 9 of our last hike. But in the high altitude still hard to breathe.