First almost half of my class is wearing big kid underwear- holy moly its potty training central in there!
Ava is a lil bit nervous about this potty training thing and hasn't quite committed to it yet. But she tries often. Well, mom shared with me that at home one day she quite randomly had a BM on the potty. Everyone was surprised, but happy. Everyone except Ava. Apparantly she was quite traumatized to realize that thing came out of her body. In effort to help her see that this is normal, Dad was called to the rescue. He was asked to promptly produce a BM too so that Ava could see- hey everyone does this. His reaction: You want me to do what? I can't just do that? My reaction: You're a man, I'm actually a little shocked you can't produce on command. I thought that was part of the man gene.
Audrey is in day 2 of big girl panties and as with most children hasn't yet pood on the potty. Being the second day, we know that pretty soon its all gonna come out and we're ready for it! Towards the end of the day she heads over to the potty. We give her a few moments and then my co-teacher checks on her. "Uh Wow!" is all I hear and I think Oh No, what just happened. Well Yay! Audrey pooped on the potty! Except she wasn't quite positioned accurately so instead of it going in the potty, she literally pooped on the potty- all over. Awesome! My co-teacher got to the bathroom just in time to see her holding up her hand: what's this on my finger? After a good scrub down we celebrated with a song. Audrey pooped on the potty! Audrey pooped on the potty!
Apparantly our tradition of singing has inspired a dance. During a dinner party with friends Joseph announced "Want to see my poopy dance?" Of course! He jumps down from the table and does what can best be described as a combination of the chicken dance and Irish step dancing. That's right, arms like chicken wings flapping up and down with very quick stepping feet. All while singing "I pooped on the potty, I pooped on the potty."
What will today bring?