No, I haven't stayed up late studying all the detailed language (like I could understand it even if I did) in this Health Care Bill.
Yes, I do expect the federal government to have read my mind and made all the changes I wanted to have made.
Yes, I admit that may be slightly ridiculous to expect Obama to have read my mind, but still... a girl can have hope right?
Because if small businesses is what America is built around, why are individuals penalized for supporting them. I have a small business kinda heart. I've worked for small businesses the majority of my working career. I love small businesses. I love working for A man instead of THE man. I love advocating for change at my work place and actually being able to make changes. I love the community working for a small business creates. I love not having corporate come to visit and create rules for me to follow when they don't live every day with me. I love that my boss does live every day with me. She sees the good, the bad and the utterly entertaining.
But a serious flaw to working for a small business? Crappy health insurance. Really crappy. And really expensive. Because if your looking to get coverage for 10 folks your rate is one thing. If your looking to get coverage for 1000s your rate is a trillion times better. Yes trillion. And I understand discounts. But to me, the individual, who looks at my friends who pay way way WAY less than I do just cause they work for THE man, I say its not fair!
Because I should not be penalized for having a vagina! I understand that I have the parts to create offspring. But I also have the parts to get lung cancer, or gout or shingles. Does that mean I will get them? Should I be required to pay a significantly higher rate each month on the off chance I will one day need radiation treatments. No. Then why am I being told I have to pay a higher rate, just in case my uterus decides to create a baby?
Because it makes me so angry when I see those breakdowns of coverage billing things. My doctor bills my insurance 200 for a visit. The insurance decides, hmm I think I'll pay 119 for the visit. And that is that. Do I get that choice when a company sends me a bill? No. Why do they? All that does is make the doctors charge more so that the actual cost of an appointment is covered. Which is turn allows the insurance company to be like see- it costs more than last year, therefore I have to pay more each month. But they created the problem. Live with it!
Because it is not logical that my rates go up 30-50 dollars a month each year. If your mismanaging the money I give you that much that you have to raise the rates that much every year. You don't get to manage my money anymore.
Damn Health Insurance Crooks.
Oh, and to those who are against the plan cause its not good enough. Grow up. Some change is better than no change. And you can't get it all perfect the first time.
And to those who have fabulous health insurance who are against the changes. Would you like to add me to your policy?